What is
Steampunk ?

I often get this question when I sell my artwork and jewelry at shows. The short answer is that Steampunk is a sub genre of science fiction. But it is more to it then that. It started in the 1980s, but it is just in later years that the genre got a physical form by artists from around the world.
British curator and steampunk artist Art Donovan explains it very well: "Essentially it's a celebration of the arts and sciences of the Victorian era, turned into a physical form.
If the Victorians had access to all our new technologies, it would have been done in beautiful woods, brass, rivets, and there would be an exposed mechanical element to all of the devices."
Watch the interview with Donovan on Youtube. And learn more about Steampunk.

The Steampunk genre is the main inspiration when I make my 3D mixed media art work and jewelry. An important question for many Steampunk artists is; what if people in the 19th century had access to digital technology?
Here I try to create an answer, in my little corner of the Steampunk world.
Since I have been working with fused dichroic glass for years, it was natural for me to incorporate this medium in my Steampunk art, together with circuit boards, hard drives, clock and camera parts. One component to Steampunk art is the mechanical parts. After all, the word Steampunk comes from "steam engine" and punk.

Robert V Harris, Bangor, Maine

A time machine made from fused dichroic glass and parts from a hard drive.

My artwork is featured in Maine Jewelry & Art in Bangor.
You can also find us on facebook

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